PET-CT Scan Screening
“We want to help you protect yourself from a treat of cancer”
Full body cancer screening in a half day
all at once helps you find a cancer at early stage.
Cancer is the leading cause of death in Japan. Early detection and rapid treatment are crucial. St. Luke's MediLocus offers PET-CT scan screening for full-body cancer screening and early detection of cancer.
PET-CT Scan Contents
Consultation by radiologist, PET-CT Scanning Approx. 3 hours (including consultation and examination)
What is PET-CT?

PET is the medical imaging modality called “positron emission tomography”. PET will detect cancer cells, which consume more glucose than normal cells. The examination is done by injection of the medicine “18F-FDG” similar to glucose and imaging its accumulation. In general, PET-CT is able to detect a cancer about 1cm. The combination of PET and CT in one machine (PET-CT) enables the detection of cancer with an excellent image quality.“ASiR” technique on Discovery PET/CT 690 system will reduce CT dose by a half, providing comfortable screening for the patients lying down quietly after injection.
Result of PET-CT

* The result will not be up ready the day of the examination. PET-CT Report will be sent to your postal address. We may inform you directly of the result by phone for consultation as and when required.
The scope of limitation
Please note that PET-CT is quite accurate in detecting cancer. However, PET-CT will not detect all cancers if their size is small or if they spread superficially in the organs. To improve detection efficacy, a comprehensive exam consisting of other screening tools (e.g. ultrasound, Ct, MRI, endoscopy, blood tests, etc.) is recommended.
Check-up is by advance reservation only.The reservation is available at Appointment Service Desk. We have a limited number of reservations per day.
03-3527-9527 +81-3-3527-95277